Cheesy Mushroom Bacon Leek Pretzel Hand Pies

pile of hand pies

It’s December!!!  I can’t believe another year is ending.  It’s been a while since I’ve shared something savory on this blog, so I thought I’d post a recipe for these delicious pretzel hand pies that are stuffed with a cheesy bacon and veggie filling.

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Spiced Cookie Maple Butternut Squash Pie

butternut squash pie

There are some things in life that you can’t truly know are good until you try them.  Little things that you have to experience yourself, that are able to fill a hole somewhere in your soul where you didn’t know you were missing something.
Things like… browned butter.
For the longest time, I’ve been hearing and reading about how amazing browned butter is, how rich and nutty of an aroma it has, and the wonderful effect it can have on a dish.  It’s always been on my mind to try it out, but for some reason I just never got around to it, until this week.  And wow, I can’t believe I waited this long.

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Thanksgiving in Tartlets

Thanksgiving tartlets mini tarts

In the family of major end-of-year holidays, Thanksgiving is the middle child.  Overshadowed by its siblings Halloween and Christmas, it seems to be the most neglected nowadays, with no colorful lights, carols, or commercialization- only pumpkin pies and reduced-price frozen turkeys, maybe some printed napkins or table decor at the most.  Not to mention Black Friday is slowly stealing its thunder… as stores open sales earlier each year, Thanksgiving dinner becomes a rushed meal at five in the afternoon before a crazy shopping spree at six.

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Meyer Lemon Blueberry Peach Tart

Meyer lemon blueberry peach tart
Summer, sadly, is coming to a close, and I’ve found myself frantically trying to savor these last few weeks of August by indulging in popsicles, watermelon, and whatever other summer produce is still available and cheap.  With it being so warm in my house, the peaches I recently bought are getting mushy, and I have a bag full of Meyer lemons I’ve picked sitting in the fridge waiting to be used.  So to say goodbye to the season, but also partly to use up all of the fruit I have, I’ve come up with a nice little fruit tart recipe.

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